Tue 11 Jun 2024 - 3:30PM

The Nottingham Panthers are proud to announce McDonald's will return as major sponsors for the 2024-25 season.
As one of the largest and most renowned restaurant chains globally, the McDonald's franchise holds a significant presence across the world.
The iconic M will once again appear on the back of the team's training jerseys and in addition, the famous golden arches logo will also be on the ice.
After the success last season when Panthers players served supporters in McDonald's, there will be three more events in the upcoming campaign.
Dates will be confirmed in due course but it will once again be a great chance to meet your heroes, get their autographs and have photos taken.
Franchises Jerry and Fiona Nicholls own 14 stores across Nottingham including four in the city centre.
Panthers COO, Adam Goodridge, said: "I am delighted to welcome back Jerry and Fiona to link-up with us again in partnership next season.
"They've both been long-time friends of the club and we're excited to be working with them on more projects."
Fiona and Jerry said: "We're proud to be be back on-board with the Panthers next season.
"It was great to see so many happy faces at the event in January where players were on-hand to serve Panthers supporters.
"We can't wait to do more of these events and continue our long-standing partnership with the club."
For partnership opportunities with the Panthers please email info@panthers.co.uk.