Player Sponsorship Packages

Ever considered sponsoring a Panthers player? Here's everything you need to know...
Our sponsorship packages deliver great value. There are three player sponsorship tiers available to choose from, they are:
- Platinum - For businesses. Priced at £565 + VAT. One Platinum slot is available per player.
- Gold - For fans (individuals, groups, families). Priced at £365. Two Gold slots are available per player.
- Silver - For fans (individuals, groups, families). Priced at £215. Two Silver slots are available per player.
What's Included?
Platinum Player Sponsorship includes:
- A game-worn alternate (gold) jersey, signed and presented by the player you sponsor.
- Company logo displayed prominently on your sponsored player's profile page on the Panthers website, with a hyperlink to your company's website.
- Your company's logo will be displayed on the Jumbotron as your sponsored player is announced onto the ice during the intro at home games (Conditional on the player being available/selected as part of the game-day roster).
- All Platinum sponsors will be entered into a draw for the chance for your company to be the match sponsor for the home leg of Playoff Quarter Finals (subject to qualification). The winning company will receive the complete match sponsorship package, including all the advertising opportunities, screen advertising and shout-outs, a box for 28 guests, and presentation of Man-of-the-Match awards, normally valued at £3,000 + VAT!
- The rights to use pictures with your sponsored player on your business website.
- Invitation to a special behind-the-scenes visit to training, exclusive to Platinum Sponsors, including a visit to the Panthers’ locker room.
Gold & Silver Player Sponsorship includes:
- Gold only - A game-worn home or away (black or white) jersey, signed and presented by the player you sponsor (The first gold sponsor will have the first choice of which shirt they would like).
- Silver only - A player-issued home or away (black or white) warm-up jersey, signed and presented by the player you sponsor (The first silver sponsor will have the first choice of which shirt they would like).
- Your name(s) listed on the player's profile on The Nottingham Panthers official website (maximum of four names listed per player).
- You will have the opportunity to visit a Panthers training session (please note if you are unable to attend there may not be another opportunity for this to happen). No filming or photography of on-ice activities is allowed whilst training is taking place. This can be arranged at short notice and is likely to be booked during school half-term holidays.
- Invitation to a "Skate With The Panthers" night with the players and other sponsors around Christmas. The timing will be dependent on the schedule and may be arranged at short notice.
- Invitation to an end-of-season presentation event where you will be presented with the player’s shirt. Date, and venue TBC towards the end of the season.
How To Apply
If you would like to become a player sponsor at any of the three tiers (Platinum, Gold or Silver), please contact Sarah Longdon via email - sarah@panthers.co.uk
Our player sponsorship packages are extremely popular, so we recommend that you send your enquiry as soon as possible after the player you would like to sponsor has been announced. As signing announcements often happen outside of office hours, the best way to apply is via email (sarah@panthers.co.uk). Email enquiries sent outside of office hours will be reviewed, from the next business day, in the order they were received.
Terms & Conditions
- Full payment is to be made by no later than 1st October 2024. If payment has not been received by this date, you risk losing your booking and your package will be released. Platinum sponsors will be invoiced separately.
- The only exception to the above payment deadline will be for players joining the club after this date. However, if a player has left the roster, that player's sponsors will be given the opportunity to switch to the new incoming player.
- In the case of multiple players departing from/joining the club, management will determine which arriving player replaces each departed player.
- If a player leaves the club after the Elite League transfer deadline the sponsorship package will be considered fulfilled. Their sponsors will still receive their respective jerseys and other benefits where possible. However, the shirts may not be signed, will not be presented by the player, and the player's profile will be removed from the official roster page on the website.
- If you sponsor a player who is on a two-way contract, please be advised that the player could potentially be called to play for their other team causing them to be unavailable for some player sponsor events, which is out of the club's control.
- You may sponsor as many players as you like as long as the sponsorship fee for each player is paid in full.
- A maximum of four people can sponsor a single player as a group.
- Only named sponsors will be able to attend any events. Regrettably, due to capacity and planning limitations, no guests will be permitted.
- Existing player sponsors will be given the right of first refusal if the player they sponsor returns for consecutive seasons. However, it is still worth submitting an enquiry if you would like to sponsor a returning player, as existing sponsors do not always renew.
- Players that are new to the club will be open for anyone to sponsor.
- Sponsorship enquiries are processed on a first-come-first-served basis. The best way to register your interest is via email, as these will be reviewed in the order they are received.
- You will be required to provide the club with a single email address to be used as the point of contact for the sponsorship. If you are part of a sponsorship group, it will be the responsibility of the nominated contact to advise everyone else in the group of any communications received and to make them aware of any events which take place as part of the package
- If you are unable to attend any of the events scheduled for player sponsors, you will most likely, unfortunately, miss out on the content of that event. Due to the team schedule, venue availability etc. we cannot guarantee another opportunity to fulfil the missed activities.
- If you are unable to attend the end-of-season jersey presentation, we will contact you to arrange the collection of your signed jersey at another time. However, we will not be able to arrange for the player to present it to you and there will be no official photography.
- The club will decide which colour/design of jerseys will be presented to each of the sponsorship levels. The first gold or silver sponsor may be given a choice of jerseys, with the second gold or silver sponsor receiving the unselected option for that sponsorship level.