Tue 20 Dec 2022 - 4:24PM

Here's all your need to know about the ticket winners from Sunday when The Nottingham Panthers beat Fife Flyers 4-0 at the Motorpoint Arena.
John Carmella won £786 with ticket number 2848 in the Fifty50 draw in association with Temple Printing.
The Shirt Off His Back winning number was ticket 0109 and the winner chose the jersey of netminder Alex Dubeau which was presented on the ice straight after the game.
As usual, all tickets from both draws were put back into the hat and the lucky second-place winner was Fifty50 ticket number 2924.
Congratulations to the winner who can choose a pair of tickets to an upcoming arena show. To claim your prize, visit the Panthers VIP desk in the foyer at the next home game.
And well done to Mark Tinkley who won Sunday's Chuck-a-Puck by landing his puck closest to Paws in the centre face-off circle. Mark won four gold tickets to Friday's game with Glasgow as well as car parking at the Broad Marsh.
There were also three birthday celebrations. Pictured below are Wendy Gibbons with Matthew Myers, Lyndsey Dove with Jeremy Welsh and Bethaney Key with Matthew Myers.
You can celebrate your birthday with the Panthers. Included in the birthday experience gift package...
- Exclusive Nottingham Panthers birthday card signed by the team
- Photo opportunity with favourite player pre-game
- Photo shown on the jumbotron and birthday shoutout
- Birthday photo with the player appearing on our website
- One entry for Chuck-a-Puck included