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Wed 27 Jul 2022 - 11:30AM

220727 | Jerseys Top Image

The Nottingham Panthers 2022/23 season jerseys will be on show at a special launch event on Friday August 19th.

Just like last season the jersey launch will take place at Saltbox Sports Bar & Kitchen (doors open just prior to 5.00pm), located on the plaza of the Motorpoint Arena Nottingham, and members of the 2022/23 roster will be on hand to help reveal our warm-up, cup, home and away jerseys for the coming season.

The players will be taking to the stage at 5.30pm with jerseys going on sale inside Saltbox once all of the jerseys have been revealed, at which point you'll be able to purchase stocked replicas from an Ice Locker booth set-up at the back of Saltbox.

Members of the roster in attendance (confirmation of who will be there will be made a little closer to the date) will be around until 8.00pm to say hello, take pictures and sign jerseys.

And that's not all... Prior to the jersey launch Paws will be in Ice Locker, based inside the Motorpoint Arena Nottingham, from 4.30pm to meet and greet with fans coming down early so make sure you pop down to see what they have on offer ahead of the coming campaign!

We can't wait to see you at our first proper get together of the 2022/23 season.