Tue 15 Nov 2022 - 5:16PM

There were four happy prize winners on Saturday night when The Nottingham Panthers beat Belfast Giants in the Elite League.
The Fifty50 draw - in association with Temple Printing - saw ticket number 3245 celebrate a Panthers victory by taking home £1,174.
The Shirt Off His Back number was ticket 0825 and the winner chose the jersey of new signing Fabrizio Ricci, which was presented on the ice straight after the game.
As usual, all tickets from both draws were put back into the hat and the lucky second-place winner was Fifty50 ticket number 3414.
Congratulations to the winner who can choose a pair of tickets to one of the following shows...
• Jake Bugg - Saturday 26th November
• Killer Queen - Thursday 1st December
To claim your prize, visit the Panthers VIP desk in the foyer at the next home game.
And well done to Mr Baker with puck number 0500 who won £100 to spend on Panthers merchandise in Ice Locker after being the king of Chuck-a-Puck, landing his puck closest to Paws in the centre face-off circle.